Alignment with the European Union Deforestation Regulations (EUDR)
"The European Union (EU) has introduced the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), including requirements on deforestation for some products that are imported into the EU. Rainforest Alliance certified... View more
EUDR Data Sharing Policy
The European Union (EU) has introduced the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), including requirements on deforestation for some products that are imported into the EU. Rainforest Alliance certified... View more
Policy for Safe Use of Machines
The Policy for the safe use of machines describes additional measures that have to be taken to manage risks related to the use of dangerous machines.... View more
Política de Uso Excepcional: Exceções Concedidas e Suas Condições para Utilização de Pesticidas Proibidos pela Rainforest Alliance
O objetivo desta política, juntamente com os requisitos da Norma de Agricultura Sustentável da Rainforest Alliance 2020, é apoiar os produtores em sua jornada para eliminar gradualmente o... View more
Policy for Tea Farm Certification in Kenya
This policy has been developed to align the requirements of the Rainforest Alliance 2020 Farm Standard with the context of Tea farming operations in Kenya. It is applicable to both Rainforest Alliance... View more
Quanto custa a certificação da Rainforest Alliance?
Esta página oferece uma visão geral dos custos de certificação para agricultores e empresas.