So you’ve done the hard work of changing your business practices to achieve your sustainability goals? Now it’s time to tell the world all about it. Below you will find a wide selection of marketing examples from our partner companies. Browse through them to get inspired and when you’re ready click through to our marketing toolkit. We’re happy to support you to market your Rainforest Alliance Certified products.
If you’re not sure how to communicate your sustainability story, make sure to read The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Your Rainforest Alliance Certified Product.

Kellogg’s France
For their cereals sold in Western Europe, Kellogg’s is now sourcing Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa. To celebrate this, Kellogg’s France is running a campaign with Trésor, the number one cereal brand in the country. The activations include a press event for 60 journalists, digital media with partners, and in-store activations in over 300 supermarkets, which generate high visibility.

Carte D’Or UK
Carte D’Or, the famous dessert ice cream by Unilever, shares sustainability information about their classic flavor, vanilla. The Bourbon Vanilla they source for their ice cream is Rainforest Alliance Certified and handpicked on farms in the Sava Region of Madagascar. People can learn about some of Unilever’s products through their new initiative ‘’View Good Do Good’’.

Magnum, a leading global ice cream brand by Unilever, created a video highlighting their Rainforest Alliance Certified Cocoa as the essential starting point for their quality chocolate. The video is available on Unilever’s ‘’View Good Do Good’’ website, where people are rewarded for watching short videos that tell sustainability stories about Unilever brands.

Carte Noire
Carte Noire, the leading coffee brand in France, introduced their Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee beans range. Next to social media, the campaign included an online game which provided information about what the Rainforest Alliance certification entails through following the frog in artificial intelligence generated images.

Nestlé Cereals Metaclub
Nestlé Middle East steps into the metaverse and develops “Cereals Metaclub’’, a virtual breakfast experience on gaming platform Decentraland. A corner on the platform is dedicated to the Rainforest Alliance to raise awareness about its sustainability projects and promote donations.

McDonald’s Latin America created a video with the Rainforest Alliance highlighting the benefits of their certified coffee at McCafé throughout the supply chain, from producers to consumers.

KitKat UK with Chris Gavin
“Look out for the Rainforest Alliance logo!” British TV presenter Chris Gavin teamed up with KitKat to talk about what consumers should be looking for when it comes to sustainability credentials of the chocolate they are buying. He emphasizes the impact of Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa.

KitKat UK
Breaking up the big stuff! In its latest campaign KitKat UK breaks down several of their sustainability commitments. This video shows consumers how they contribute to building a brighter future for cocoa farmers and communities by buying Rainforest Alliance Certified cocoa.

Finnish coffee roaster Paulig embeds sustainability in everything they do. In this new video, they show how their Rainforest Alliance Certified coffees fit into their mission to save coffee for future generations.

Inproba Netherlands
100% of the chili peppers used in the sambal and chili sauce from Inproba are purchased from Rainforest Alliance certified farms. In this video they take consumers to Thailand and show what the Rainforest Alliance certification entails.

As a founding member of Forest Allies, Kingfisher will support the Rainforest Alliance to protect, restore, and enable responsible management of tropical forests. This video announces the start of this very promising partnership.

Costa Coffee UK
Together with the Rainforest Alliance, Costa Coffee developed this B2B info pack to engage their European colleagues who want to know more about the Rainforest Alliance. A great example of how partner companies can use our marketing content and materials.

Magnum Turkey
Magnum Turkey presented this video during an event where they announced the launch of the ‘Magnum 2059 – a Magnum without Chocolate’ – showing what a Magnum could look like in the future if we don’t all take action regarding cocoa production and sourcing. It emphasizes climate change and its impact on cocoa, putting Magnum’s work with the Rainforest Alliance at the core of the message.

Australian retail giant, Woolworths, created this video highlighting our work together, and the impacts a cup of Rainforest Alliance Certified tea can have.

Dagoba Chocolate, the Rainforest Alliance and the extraordinary impact of sustainable cacao on San Juan de Cheni, Peru, an area that fought back against terrorists to protect their land, their community and their cocoa heritage.

Nespresso created a fun animation to mark the Rainforest Alliance 30th anniversary and 14 years of working together on sustainable coffee.

McDonald’s: Advancing Global Coffee Sustainability
McDonald’s pop up McCafe in New York City surprises customers with sustainable coffee in the middle of Columbus Circle.

Lipton Tea in Australia
“Make a better choice with Lipton. The world’s first Rainforest Alliance Certified tea.”

Mars Galaxy Chocolate Bars in the UK
“Galaxy has joined forces with the Rainforest Alliance to help support cocoa growing communities in Africa. So not only does Galaxy taste good, it does good.”