The Rainforest Alliance has launched a project to tackle forced and child labour in the cocoa and gold mining sectors of Ghana.
What's at Stake
West and Central Africa have strong rural economies set within some of the world's largest forest expanses. The Congo Basin spans eight countries, contains the world's second largest contiguous forest, and boasts abundant biodiversity and natural resources. It also provides food, water, and shelter to some 75 million people.

Cocoa farmers face economic hardship, climate change
Seventy percent of the world’s cocoa comes from West Africa, where cocoa cultivation is a way of life reaching back for generations. Most of the cocoa throughout the region is grown by smallholder farmers who struggle not only with economic hardship, but also with the effects of climate change—hotter temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, and a shift in growing seasons.
Our Work
Sustainable agriculture and community forestry are powerful strategies for conserving the abundance of natural resources in West and Central Africa. In addition to our work to conserve the forests of the Congo Basin, we partner with farming communities to build climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture landscapes.

The Future of Farming Begins with Young Farmers in Kenya
Future Farmers begins with a one-acre demo farm in Kagio, Kenya, where everything is an opportunity for experimentation and growth.

Cocoa Farmers Help Protect Last Primary Rainforest in Côte d’Ivoire
We're helping farmers increase their incomes and conserve a precious ecosystem.
All resources for West & Central Africa
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Media Coverage
Project to Tackle Child Labour in Cocoa and Gold Mining Sectors Launched
The Rainforest Alliance has launched a project to tackle forced and child labour in the cocoa and gold mining sectors of Ghana.
Case Study
Identifying Your Pathway Towards Sustainability: Our Work with Nestlé Cocoa
As one of the world’s largest purchasers of cocoa, Nestlé recognizes the position it is in to make a difference. This case study shows how Nestlé utilizes all three major Rainforest Alliance... View more
Impact Study
Tackling the Root Causes of Child Labor: Insights from the Child Labor Free Zone Program in West Nile, Uganda
Between 2014 and 2020 a consortium of organizations, including Rainforest Alliance, implemented a “Child Labor Free Zone” (CLFZ) program in the West Nile province of Uganda. This is a coffee growing... View more
Project Profiles
Project Profile: Landscapes and Environmental Agility across the Nation (LEAN)
LEAN aims to conserve biodiversity, build climate resilience, and reduce emissions from land-use changes.
Project Profiles
Project Profile: Advancing women’s rights through community-led landscape management in Mount Bamboutos
Women are the backbone of Cameroon's natural resource-based economy.
Project Profiles
Project Profile: Championing Community-led Landscape Management in Cameroon
Community-led landscape management is the best long-term solution to environmental and social challenges.