Origin Performance & Risk Report: Honduras
The Rainforest Alliance and partners have worked in coffee for nearly four decades. While there are still challenges in the sector, we’ve also seen great improvements. In Honduras, producers range from smallholder to large-scale. While production costs are lower than in many other coffee-growing countries, earning a living income is very challenging and labor is becoming scarce due to economic instability and migration. Production has largely recovered from the coffee leaf rust crisis of 2012, but climate change presents new threats (especially in higher altitudes) and deforestation is a continuing risk.
We believe it is important to measure and monitor these key trends to provide a snapshot of what’s happening and where support is needed. Our report includes data from Rainforest Alliance projects and certification with context from external research and observation from Rainforest Alliance experts. We provide this information in a short, simple, and data-packed report for everyone in our alliance to use.