Annex Chapter 3: Income and Shared Responsibility (Previous Annex S14)
This annex includes additional binding content related to the implementation of the Requirements in Chapter 3 of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard: Shared Responsibility.
This document includes:
- Shared Responsibility (Previous Annex S14)
(Related to requirements 3.2 and 3.3)
In Version 1.3, published February 6th, 2023, the following changes were made:
2.1 | Production costs and living income | Paragraph added on living income assessments and benchmarks (self-selected) |
2.3 | Timeline | Tea: Implementation date clarified to July 1, 2023, onwards on volumes sold and redeemed as Rainforest Alliance Certified from July 1, 2023. |
2.3 | SD/SI payment in tea | Brand owner approach further clarified in the context of retail brands:
The packer (private label manufacturer) is required to commit, confirm, and pay SD/SI and enter commitments and payment in the RA traceability system. Food service and Retail brands are required to include SD SI in contractual arrangements with their private label manufacturers (packers) and compensate them for the SD/SI payments made on their behalf. |
2.3 | Update for Banana and Fresh Fruit | Removal of language that required exporters to include specific payment terms in their contracts with farm CHs supplying the Rainforest Alliance Certified product. |
Requirement 3.2.7 | Cocoa minimum SD | Updated to Euros (instead of US Dollars) to reflect companies buying from Farm Certificate Holders in African countries using XOF or XAF |
Complete changes overview of the February 6th release:
What’s New in version 1.3 of the Sustainable Agriculture Standard?