Addressing Child Labor on Hazelnut Farms in Türkiye
We've trained more than 7,600 farmers in child labor prevention, monitoring, and remediation strategies.
Transforming the Hazelnut Sector in Türkiye
To end child labor on hazelnut farms, the Rainforest Alliance has built a broad partnership of farmers, parents, teachers, hazelnut companies, NGOs, and local government. Learn about our work in this video.
Conversion Rates to Indicate Volumes in the New Rainforest Alliance Certification Program
Supply Chain Certificate Holders can use the default conversion rates of some Rainforest Alliance Certified crops in the tables below to indicate their volumes.
Rainforest Alliance Volume Calculator
This Excel calculator helps Supply Chain Certificate Holders (CHs) and prospects estimate the total amount of certified and non-certified volume purchased and/or handled in twelve months when... View more
Project Profile: Mobilizing Türkiye’s Hazelnut Villages to Act on Child Labor and Poor Working Conditions
In the rugged hills of Turkey's Black Sea coast, hazelnut production is still mostly manual and heavily reliant on seasonal hired labor.